Mechanics of Multifunctional Structures and Materials

The work of the Mechanics of Multifunctional Structures and Materials research area seeks to understand and predict the behavior of materials and structures in environments and loading scenarios that are unique to aerospace engineering.
This research area brings together faculty, students, research engineers and sponsors from a broad spectrum of subdisciplines for high-impact collaborations.
Next generation of aerospace materials and structures will require unprecedented mechanical properties and multi-functionality. In order to achieve this goal, we need a fundamental understanding on how manufacturing processes, microstructure, and performance relate and impact vehicle performance.
Specific areas of inquiry related to this include computational mechanics, composite structures, fracture and fatigue, damage tolerance and failure prediction, experimental mechanics, thermal and environmental effects and non-destructive evaluation, material and structural stability (localization/buckling/post-buckling), adaptive structures, structural health monitoring, and system identification.
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