Naia Butler-Craig Selected for 2020 NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Grant 13 April 2020 Grant will support Butler-Craig's research, “Characterization of Inner Front Pole Cover Erosion in Center Mounted Cathode Hall Thrusters using Thompson Scattering”
Charting a Course without a Captain 07 April 2020 ASDL's Marine Robotics uses a systems approach to develop autonomous boats
Manuel "Manny" Diaz Is Second-time Recipient of the Martin L. Drews Memorial Scholarship 07 April 2020 A student of Prof. Dimitri Mavris, Diaz hopes to defend his doctoral dissertation by December
What Engineers Do in a Crisis 02 April 2020 AE doctoral student and lab manager Lee Whitcher explains how responding to COVID was not rocket science. It was teamwork. And a lot of engieering.
Matthew N. Corrado Selected for 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship 01 April 2020 A longtime protege of Prof. Mitchell Walker, Corrado will use the support to study fluid dynamics of Hall Thrusters
Together, We'll Get Through This: A Message from Georgia Tech President Ángel Cabrera 30 March 2020 Georgia Tech President Cabrera recorded a video greeting for students returning to their schoolwork without returning to their school.
All Eyes on Cape Canaveral for the Latest AE CubeSat Launch on March 26 24 March 2020 The March 26 launch of the AtlasV rocket will be the first for the newly formed U.S. Space Force.
AE Alumnus Swapnil Jagtap Named to Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe List for 2020 18 March 2020 Now pursuing his Ph.D. at the Imperial College London, Jagtap joins former listmakers Greta Thunberg, Daniel Radcliffe, and Dev Patel
US News & World Report Rankings Place the AE Graduate Program at #4 in the Nation 17 March 2020 Among publicly funded universities, the Daniel Guggenheim School's graduate program ranked # 1
March 16 Update: All Instruction to go Online for the Remainder of the Spring 2020 Semester 16 March 2020 The USG announced that all 26 institutions, including Tech, will move to online instruction