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The Aerospace Engineering Course Schedule

The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering has projected its course schedule for the five-year period beginning with the Fall 2022. 

These listings are provided to assist you and your advisor in customizing your coursework. You are encouraged to review not only the current year's listings, but the full list of courses available over the long-run. This will allow for optimal planning for off-campus opportunities such as study abroad semesters, research, internships, and co-ops.

To view the most updated course schedule, visit the Registrar's OSCAR database to view the actual schedule for a particular semester. That database is updated each semester during registration.


AE Graduate Courses

Find out more about the courses that make up the AE graduate curriculum by clicking on one of the six aerospace engineering disciplines below, and viewing the courses offered within that area. You will also see when these courses are generally taught (Fall, Spring, or Summer), and find out how many credit-hours they offer. Note that teaching schedules are subject to change. To view the most updated course schedule, visit the Registrar's OSCAR database to view the actual schedule for a particular semester. That database is updated each semester during registration.

AE 6009Viscous Fluid Flow3AFM
AE 6012Turbulent Flows3AFM
AE 6015Advanced Aerodynamics3AFM
AE 6030Unsteady Aerodynamics3AFM
AE 6042Computational Fluid Dynamics4AFM
AE 6050Gas Dynamics3AFM
AE 6060Aeroacoustics3AFM
AE 6070Rotary Wing Aerodynamics3AFM
AE 6080Dynamics of Turbulence3AFM
AE 6100Structural Stability I3SMM
AE 6114Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics3SMM
AE 6115Fundamentals of Aero Structural Analysis3SMM
AE 6170Structural Optimization3SMM
AE 6200Advanced Aeroelasticity I3ASD
AE 6210Advanced Dynamics I3ASD
AE 6220Rotorcraft Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity3ASD
AE 6230Structural Dynamics3ASD
AE 6310Optimization for the Design of Engineered Systems3SDO
AE 6333Rotorcraft Design I3SDO
AE 6334Rotorcraft Design II4SDO
AE 6343Aircraft Design I3SDO
AE 6344Aircraft Design II4SDO
AE 6353Orbital Mechanics3SDO
AE 6355Planetary Entry, Descent and Landing3SDO
AE 6361Air Breathing Propulsion System Design I3SDO
AE 6362Safety by Design4SDO
AE 6372Aerospace Systems Engineering3SDO
AE 6373Advanced Design Methods I4SDO
AE 6383Applied Design Laboratory (FW)1SDO
AE 6383Applied Design Laboratory (Rotorcraft)1SDO
AE 6393Introduction to System of Systems Engineering3SDO
AE 6394Introduction to System of Systems Engineering Applications4SDO
AE 6410Combustion Dynamics3P&C
AE 6412Turbulent Combustion3P&C
AE 6450Rocket Propulsion3P&C
AE 6451Electric Propulsion3P&C
AE 6503Helicopter Stability and  Control3FMC
AE 6505Random Processes and Kalman Filtering3FMC
AE 6511Optimal Guidance & Control3FMC
AE 6520Advanced Flight Dynamics3FMC
AE 6530Multivariable Linear Systems and Control3FMC
AE 6531Aerospace Robust Control I3FMC
AE 6551Cognitive Engineering3SDO
AE 6580Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control3FMC
AE 6701Wind Engineering3AFM
AE 6705Introduction to Mechatronics3?
AE 6721Evaluation of Human Integrated Systems3SDO
AE 6760Acoustics I3AFM
AE 6761Acoustics II3AFM
AE 6762Applied Acoustics3AFM
AE 6765Kinetics & Thermodynamics of Gases4P&C
AE 6766Combustion3P&C
AE 6769Linear Elasticity3SMM
AE 7772Fund-Fracture Mechanics3SMM
AE 7785Intro Robotics Research3FMC
AE 8002AE Graduate Seminar1N/A
AE 8750Robotics Research Fundamentals I3N/A
AE 8751Robotics Research Fundamentals II3N/A
AE 8801BAS Bioastronautics1 
AE 8803Special Topics: Low-Gravity Fluid Mechanics3AFM
 AE 8803Special Topics: Rotocraft Aeromechanics3AFM
AE 8803Special Topics: Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control3 FMC
AE 8803Special Topics: Advanced Vertical Lift Aerodynamics3AFM
AE 8803Special Topics: Satellite Orbit Determination3SDO
AE 8803Special Topics: Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems3FMC
AE 8803Special Topics: Spacecraft Attitude Estimation and Control3 SDO
AE 8803Special Topics: Optimal Transport Theory and Applications3FMC
AE 8803Special Topics: Optimization-Based Learning Control and Games3FMC
AE 8803Special Topics: Math Principles of Planning and Decision-Making for Autonomy3FMC
AE 8803Special Topics: Space Instrumentation for Life Detection3SDO
AE 8803Special Topics: Numerical Analysis and Algorithms3AFM
AE 8803Special Topics: Hamiltonian Mechanics in Space Dynamics3SDO
AE 8813Aerospace Propulsion Lab3 
AE 8883Spacecraft Engineering I3 
AE 8883Spacecraft Engineering II3 
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