Wednesday, October 30, 2024 11:00AM

Ph.D. Proposal


Shreyas Srivathsan

(Professor Juergen Rauleder)



"Propeller–Wing Aerodynamic Interactions: Characterising Fundamental Flow Phenomena And System Performance Impact For A Generic Propeller–Wing Configuration"



Wed., Oct. 30

11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

4222 Dissertation Defense Room - Price Gilbert Memorial Library



Recent advances in technology have enabled a range of electric-powered aircraft for human transportation in urban environments. Many of these designs rely on wingborne flight using a combination of propulsive, generally propellers and lifting, usually wings, components. From a safety and performance perspective, it is important to understand the physics and flow phenomena, especially the aerodynamic interactions between these propellers and the wings, and the accompanying performance impact. The present study aims to expand the current knowledge using model-scale wind tunnel testing with a generic propeller–wing setup to understand the aerodynamic phenomena and performance effects associated with, e.g., compound lift-and-cruise configurations or tiltrotors, by quantifying the loads on the propeller and the wing accompanied by flow field measurements for understand fundamental flow phenomena. Measurements were done for a range of operating conditions. The focus was to understand the effect of the propeller on the wing and vice vase as well as utilize system performance metrics to identify optimum conditions within interested flight regimes. Significant benefits to the wing performance was identified due to the propeller slipstream. Differences in the wing’s blockage and circulatory effects caused variations in the propeller performance. Optimal designs spaces were identified based on the operating conditions. These findings are critical as they can increase the safety and performance modern urban aircraft. 


Dr. Juergen Rauleder (Advisor) 

• Dr. Marilyn J Smith

 • Dr. Steven A Tran 

• Dr. Brian J German 

• Dr. Nikolas S Zawodny