Monday, July 15, 2024 02:00PM

You're invited to attend


AE Seminar


From Physics via Thermodynamics to Gasdynamics




George Dulikravich 

Retired Professor | Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
College of Engineering and Computing, FIU


Monday, July 15
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Guggenheim 442


About the Seminar: 
Starting with the basics of the internal energy modes in a diatomic molecule and basic definitions of pressure, density and specific volume, elucidation of the specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure are presented and used in definitions of internal energy and enthalpy per unit mass. 

First and second laws of thermodynamics are then combined to create Gibbs relation, which is then used to derive ratios of temperature, density and pressure between two thermodynamic states for non-isentropic and isentropic processes. 

The next step is derivation of the isentropic speed of sound and the local flow Mach number. This was followed by the use of 1D mass, linear momentum and energy balances. The results show the ratios of local temperature, density and pressure and their stagnation values as functions of the local flow Mach number in isentropic, steady gas flows.

Basic assumptions and limitations will be mentioned throughout the lecture.

Suggested text: Anderson, J.D.: Modern Compressible Flows With Historical Perspectives, McGraw Hill, 1990.

Prerequisites: Introductory courses in integral and differential equations & thermodynamics