AE Brown Bag Seminar
Friday, April 19
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Guggenheim 442
Pizza Served
Aidan Coleman
Devin Parks
Saumil Patel
Nikita Shakhraichuk
Adil Shirinov
Aniela Zaremski
Devin Parks
Validation of Classical Theory Involving Elevator Authority for Low-Turbulence, Incompressible Flow Using Wind Tunnel Testing
Early on in the aircraft design process, it is necessary to come up with preliminary sizing for every main control surface. This is often done through either statistical methods or through classical flight dynamics methods. Here we will examine the accuracy of classical flight dynamics methods in sizing elevators for low Reynolds number, low Mach applications. This will be achieved by designing a model aircraft with a modular tail, allowing for variation of its size, design, and angle-of-attack (the horizontal tail itself being, in effect, the elevator in this case). Testing will be performed in Georgia Tech’s Educational Wind Tunnel (EWT) using the available sting balance, with angle-of-attack sweeps being performed for each tail design for several airspeeds. These results will be compared with those from classical flight dynamics approaches.
Faculty Advisor:
Professor Mayuresh Patil
Saumil Patel
SysML model for future air taxi based on Archer Midnight eVTOL.
To begin designing any vehicle, a structure and outline of how the individual parts and systems interconnect and work together is paramount. Although there are many ways to create an initial system model, an effective method relies on using a system modeling language or SysML. An initial model of the Archer Midnight eVTOL was created to showcase the primary sub-systems and components, to simulate performance given various input conditions, to serve as a model for a commercial air taxi. The Archer Midnight eVTOL is an electric vehicle with the attributes of both a fixed wing and rotorcraft design. The sub-systems considered for the model were: performance, propulsion, power, payload, and structure. These were modelled using MagicDraw. CAMEO Simulation was used to calculate the top-level metrics chosen for the project. These included: range, cruise speed, max takeoff weight, cruise altitude and cost per mile. The simulated values for these in order were: 160.69 km, 67 m/s, 610 m, 7937 kg, and 86 cents per mile. The equations used in the calculations came from the basic vehicle performance equations for aircraft but were further simplified and idealized to accommodate members who were unfamiliar with them.
Faculty Advisor:
Research Engineer Cimtalay Selcuk
Nikita Shakhraichuk
Design Build Vertical Fly Competition
The Drones, Radio control, and eXperimental aircraft Club (DRXC), is a team established to further Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft knowledge and experiences of Georgia Tech students. The team’s goal this year was to construct a competitive vehicle with a unique design that inspires more interest within Georgia Tech students for VTOL aircrafts. To engineer a vehicle to satisfy the requirements of the RFP, several design philosophies were considered. However, we decided to pursue novelty, innovation and institutional impact as primary objectives. Following a comprehensive review of the RFP, our team selected a tandem tail sitter as the optimal design. Our in-house custom sizer algorithm utilized a parametric sweeping approach, exploring millions of parameter combinations to identify the optimal configuration for superior performance in payload, speed, and competition. This process allowed final selection of geometry along with motors and propellers, setting the stage for subsequent wind tunnel and flight testing as well as battery evaluations in conjunction with Georgia Tech Researchers. The Fabrication team then executed the production of a surrogate aircraft. However, wind tunnel testing and further design validation revealed a flaw in our analysis one month before the competition, necessitating a rapid and radical modification. Within one month we were able to produce a new design that brought us a third place in this year's VFS DBVF competition.Faculty Advisor:
Research Engineer Lee Whitcher
Adil Shirinov
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Advancements in Jet Engine Soot ModelingAbstract:
This presentation delves into the study of jet engine soot formation from the CFD modeling standpoint. Engine soot is a result of unburnt hydrocarbons turning into solid particles through complex chemical pathways. Soot formation poses a significant environmental concern, contributes to engine wear and tear, and leads to a performance decline over time . With the increase in computer power, investigation of soot has entered a new level, coupled with detailed turbulence models like LES and efficient chemistry models like FGM. Here we explore the principle behind various CFD models, including the empirical Hiroyasu, the phenomenological Waseda, and the detailed Particulate Mimic Soot Model as well as validate the models with experimental data. Finally, we discuss how soot formation can be controlled and mitigated with aftertreatment solutions and alternative fuels, all supported by advancements in CFD.Faculty Advisor:
Professor Tim Lieuwen
Aniela Zaremski
Impact of Viscosity Effects on Aeroelastic Behaviors of a Very Flexible Wing
In an aerodynamic flow, viscosity, or a fluid phenomenon caused by internal friction resulting in changes in fluid behavior, impacts how a very flexible wing experiences deflection. While studies have been conducted on very flexible wings and fluid viscosity on their own, further research was required to provide more support on a very flexible wing in a flow with these considerations. This research was supported by computer simulations conducted primarily in MATLAB and Python, using mfoil to calculate airfoil-related models over a variety of angle of attacks and Reynold’s numbers. By simulating aerodynamic loads on a flexible wing in unique conditions, the aerodynamic forces were recorded and applied to current working models from Dr. Riso’ research team. Upon comparison of the aeroelastic deformations of the wing with and without viscous effects, it was found that the viscous effects decreased the rate at which the wing deflected across the span and as airspeed increased at two angles of attack. Finally, the viscous effects decreased the rate at which the wing twisted over different airspeeds.
Faculty Advisor:
Professor Cristina Riso
Aidan Coleman
Cislunar Mission Architecting using MBSEAbstract:
Designing any type of space mission is no easy task, with many requirements to consider when designing a mission’s architecture. Adjusting just one of these parameters could have a wide range of effects on a mission’s architecture, leading to a potentially time-consuming process of revising each subsystem as requirements change throughout the planning process of a mission. This project proposes the use of Model-Based Systems Engineering to organize a mission’s requirements and architecture and link them to one another more effectively. This approach would allow a change in a specific requirement to update its effects to all other parts of the mission, with the potential to even be linked to CAD models and Python scripts, greatly decreasing the time it takes to iterate through different versions of ever-changing mission requirements.
Faculty Advisor:
Research Engineer Jefferey McNabb