Tuesday, August 29, 2023 08:00AM

Emma Johnson

Advisor: Prof. Christopher Carr

will propose a master’s thesis entitled,

Technology Advancement of Single Molecule Detection Instrumentation for Astrobiology Applications


Tuesday, August 29 

8:00 a.m.




A major goal of planetary exploration is to seek evidence of life beyond Earth, including the direct search for life on other bodies in our solar system. Two of the most promising bodies we know of for this search are Europa and Enceladus, icy moons which have subsurface oceans, may be habitable, and could be inhabited. The Electronic Life-detection Instrument for Europa/Enceladus (ELIE) is an instrument that endeavors to search for amino acids, RNA, DNA, and other linear charged informational polymers on these icy moons through single molecule detection. The initial prototypes of this instrument were developed as an effort to miniaturize the benchtop nanogap detection instrument developed by Osaka University and were successful in proving that single molecules can be detected using this technology in a low-g environment. However, these prototypes were still quite large and required manual chip loading and cleaning for each sample run. To advance this technology, an ELIE 2.0 prototype is being designed to reduce the total system mass and volume, demonstrate automatic sample delivery and system cleaning functionalities, and introduce electrophoresis for improved control of molecular movement into the ELIE system. This system will be able to autonomously form a gap through the mechanically-controlled break junction (MCBJ) method, deliver a 30 µl sample accurately and consistently into the nanogap chip, take measurements of the sample across the nanogap chip and be able to detect the presence of single molecules, utilize electrophoresis to transport fluids across the chip, and flush the sample out with minimal residue into a waste reservoir before reloading. With this new prototype, the ELIE instrument will be one step closer to flight readiness.


  • Prof. Christopher Carr – School of Aerospace Engineering (advisor)
  • Prof. Glenn Lightsey – School of Aerospace Engineering
  • Prof. Alvaro Romero-Calvo – School of Aerospace Engineering