Brown Bag Seminar
Friday, April 7, 2023
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Weber, Classroom II
Jordan Kalatchev
Saikrishna Manojkumar
Dyllon Preston
Jordan Kalatchev
Title: Software & Integration of SSDL’s OrCa2 and WEBS Missions
While we often hear about drones and self-driving cars as examples of autonomous systems, satellites too are autonomous which need to manage their state, sensors, and actuators with limited influence from operators on the ground. My research has focused on developing the software that handles our CubeSat missions. It runs on a microprocessor and handles hardware interfaces, mission states, communications, and power distribution among other things. In recent months, I’ve taken a lead role in integration, building up a flatsat, fabricating boards, and working towards day-in-the-life testing.
Advisor: Prof. Brian Gunter
Saikrishna Manojkumar
Dyllon Preston
Title: Concurrent Optimization of Gravity-assist Low-thrust Trajectory with Power and Propulsion Subsystem Sizing
Electric propulsion systems provide the necessary high specific impulse to make many deep space missions efficient and feasible. However, the design of low-thrust trajectories can be challenging due to the coupled nature of the power and propulsion sizing design problem, and the spacecraft mass and acceleration trajectory design problem. This seminar discusses an approach for coupling the sizing process of the power and propulsion subsystems into a direct-transcription-based trajectory optimization problem, enabling a concurrent trade-space exploration of both the trajectory and the spacecraft design. This approach is then applied to a theoretical 5,000 kg Earth-Mars transfer cargo mission trade study, where optimal mission designs are found using a pseudo-global gradient-based approach.
Advisor: Prof. Koki Ho