Jonathan Rogers
Dr. Jonathan Rogers is a professor in the Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering. Prior to his appointment in the School of Aerospace Engineering, Dr. Rogers served as a faculty member in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech and the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University. Dr. Rogers is director of the Aerial Robotics and Experimental Autonomy Lab (AREAL) at Georgia Tech where his group conducts research in applied dynamics, controls, robotics, and autonomy. Through a combination of theoretical and applied research, Dr. Rogers has developed groundbreaking new technologies in a variety of areas from rotorcraft and smart weapons to stochastic optimal control. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and the Lockheed Martin Inspirational Young Faculty Award. His work has been featured by MIT Technology Review, Engadget, BBC news, and IEEE Spectrum.
Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE)
Systems Design & Optimization
Flight Mechanics & Controls
AE Multidisciplinary Research Areas:
Robotics, Autonomy, and Human Interactions
Vertical Lift and Urban Air Mobility
PhD, Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
MS, Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007
BS, Physics, Georgetown University, 2006
- Associate Fellow, AIAA (2020)
- Lockheed Martin Associate Professor of Avionics Integration (2019)
- NSF CAREER Award (2016)
- Lockheed Martin Inspirational Young Faculty Award (2016)
- US Army Research Office Young Investigator (2012)