Anthony J. Calise
While at Georgia Tech, Dr. Calise built a program in Flight Mechanics and Control (FMC). During his tenure the FMC disciplinary area grew to 5 faculty members, and was considered one of the best in the country. He also started the UAV lab. His research program was funded by NASA, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Army Research Office and a variety of Air Force laboratories and corporate sponsors. Throughout his academic career Dr. Calise served as a consultant to industry in the areas of helicopter, aircraft, launch vehicles, satellites and guided parafoil flight control. He is a Fellow of AIAA, and nationally and inter-nationally recognized as an expert in the areas of adaptive guidance/flight control, and adaptive control of flexible systems.
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Villanova University, 1964
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1966
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1968
- AIAA Guidance and Control Award, for seminal innovations and novel contributions in the theoretical development and application of biologically inspired adaptive control systems for aerospace vehicles and systems, 2010.
- AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight Award, for significant contributions to Singular Perturbation Theory and its applications to real time approximate optimal guidance of aerospace vehicles, 1992.
- Aviation Week & Space Technology 2000 Laurels Award, for outstand achievement in the field of electronics in recognition of a neural network adaptive reconfigurable flight control demonstration on the X-36 aircraft.