Start with Your Bachelor's Degree...
...and add options that make your educational experience unique. The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering can offer you multiple ways to enhance your undergraduate program. Some will result in a degree designation on your diploma. Others will introduce you to a new language, your first employer, or a new career aspiration.
Minors & Certificates
Many AE students find that exploring an additional discipline or earning a certificate helps them to gain relevant job skills or gain greater insight into their aerospace engineering studies. New in 2019: AE students can earn a double major, a minor, or a certificate in the Russian language.
Other International Study Options
In today's global workplace, employees with cross-cultural experience have the advantage. Many AE students take advantage of Study Abroad or Georgia Tech Exchange programs to prepare for a future that could take them anywhere.
Many AE students meet their future employers in the workplace, when they are interns. Internships require fewer semesters than co-ops, but can be just as valuable. You can gain career experience and build a professional network while working on your degree.
Aerospace Engineering and The Russian Program
This new collaboration with the Georgia Tech School of Modern Languages allows AE undergraduates (and graduate students) to study abroad in Russia, and/or earn a minor, a double-major, or a certificate in the Russian language. Many aspiring astronauts will find this opportunity to learn Russian will help them keep their career options open.
Degree Designators
The successful completion of the following undergraduate degree options will be noted by the Georgia Tech Registrar on your diploma.
- Co-op Plan The Co-op Plan allows students to alternate between industrial assignments and classroom studies. Many students land permanent positions while still working on their degrees.
- International Plan The International Plan emphasizes global competence in the context of the aerospace engineering major.
- Research Option The Research Option allows students to gain valuable experience studying a problem in-depth, for pay or for credit.
- AE BS/MS Honors Program Select AE undergraduates are able to skip the GREs and head directly into their graduate program.
Find out more about degree designators from the GT Registrar.
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